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How Much Does It Cost to Climb Kilimanjaro?

counter article 59681
Reading time: 12 min.
Climbing Climbing

In the 2024-2025 season, the average cost of climbing Kilimanjaro is $2700 USD per person. This is the amount you should expect to pay to participate in a safe expedition with comfortable amenities and a professional guiding team. Some expeditions may be slightly cheaper—around $2100, or significantly more expensive—$8500-9500 per person. The Altezza Travel editorial team explains what goes into the cost of climbing and why you shouldn’t trust “cheap” offers from budget operators.

Why is climbing Kilimanjaro so expensive? Breakdown of expedition costs

The costs of the climb can be roughly divided into park fees—mandatory payments to the Kilimanjaro National Park Authority for climbing Kilimanjaro—and the organization of the trip itself. This includes team wages, equipment depreciation, purchasing food and medicine, transportation, fuel, and more.

Expert Opinion

Since 2016, tour operators in Tanzania have been subject to VAT, which has automatically increased the total cost of the tour by 18%. This tax is dodged only by small companies that open for one season and avoid registering with the tax office and the Ministry of Tourism.

Anatolii Foksha
Anatolii Foksha
Travel Expert|Tanzania

Park fees

In 2024, Kilimanjaro National Park fees amount to about $1000 per person for a seven-day expedition, including camping fees, rescue fees, guide & porter entrance fees, conservation fees, and other necessary payments. The National Park Administration sets these fees which are typically increased by 10-15% every two to three years. Kilimanjaro park fees are included in the overall cost of an expedition.

As of summer 2024, the following park fees are applied (prices shown without VAT): 

Regular travelers
Tanzanian residents*
Ecological Fee (per day)
Camping Fee (per night)
Fee for using huts on the Marangu route (instead of camping)
Rescue Service Fee**
Guide Escort Fee
$20 per guide
$20 per guide
Team Fee***
5000 shillings per participant
5000 shillings per participant

Additional fees are charged for professional filming on Kilimanjaro and for using the Kilema bicycle route. 

*Travelers who live and work in Tanzania. Residence permit copies are required.

**Unlike other fees, which are charged for each day in the park, the rescue fee covers the entire duration of the expedition.

Rescue fees are not a substitute for insurance. They do not cover helicopter evacuation or examination and treatment in a hospital, only evacuation by a rescue vehicle from some lower camps.

***This applies to porters, cooks, camp masters, and other support team members. The 5000 shillings fee is for the entire expedition, not per day.

Starting July 1, 2024, park fees are paid in shillings, but since they are still tied to the dollar, prices are shown in this currency.

Hotel costs

As noted above, under the classic tariff, travelers stay in comfortable 3-star hotels before and after the climb. The premium tariff involves staying in 5-star hotels.

This significantly affects the final cost of the expedition. In the first case, the price for a double room is $90-120, while, for example, a night at the Legendary Lodge Hotel costs at least $1200.

Mountain team wages

According to Kilimanjaro National Park rules, each expedition to climb Kilimanjaro must be accompanied by a mountain team. The team is quite large: for each traveler, there are 3-4 staff members, and in premium expeditions—5-6. This number of people is necessary to organize a safe and comfortable climb. Guides conduct medical checks and lead travelers to the summit, porters carry tents, equipment, oxygen tanks, and food supplies, camp masters set up camp, and cooks prepare meals. Additional porters are needed to carry tents, equipment, and food for the team that serves the travelers.

Altezza Travel offers the highest wages in the region, ensuring that you are accompanied to the summit of Kilimanjaro by the most professional and experienced specialists. As of 2024, the wages of the mountain team members for a seven-day expedition are:

Team position
Salary for 7 days
Lead Guide
Assistant Guide
Camp Master

The wages of the mountain team are subject to a 4% SDL (Skills Development Levy), which is also included in the cost of the climb. Ultimately, wages account for 25% of the total expedition cost. An additional 18% VAT will also be added, which tour operators cover on each incoming payment.

Reducing the number of team members to cut costs is not an option: it is prohibited to set up permanent camps or food stores on Kilimanjaro, so everything needed for the climb must be carried with the team. A smaller number of porters simply would not be able to carry such a load.

The national park rules set a weight limit: each porter can carry up to 20 kilograms. Compliance is strictly monitored by rangers. In every camp, they weigh the load carried by the porters.

Expert Opinion

The size of the mountain team’s wages in Tanzania is a subject of much debate. To offer an attractive price, budget Kilimanjaro tour operators reduce wages to a minimum. Due to high unemployment, guides and porters often agree to participate in climbs for any amount of money.

To make sure that your tour operator pays fair wages, check if they are a member of KPAP (The Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project). This is an independent public organization founded to protect the rights of porters. Membership is free, but there is a condition: porter wages must not be below the established norm. More details about KPAP can be found in our video.

Dmitrii Andreychuk
Dmitrii Andreychuk
Kilimanjaro Expedition Coordinator|Tanzania
Altezza Travel & KPAP: Leading the Way in Responsible Kilimanjaro Expeditions
Altezza Travel & KPAP: Leading the Way in Responsible Kilimanjaro Expeditions
10K views, 7 months ago

Meals on the expedition

Cooks prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the travelers and the support team. Fresh ingredients—like grains, vegetables, greens, fruits, eggs, meat, and bread—are always available in the camp kitchen. Additionally, they bring flour for pancakes, cookies, jam, Nutella, and other foods.

For a seven-day expedition, a substantial amount of food is required. In the mountains, both the climbers and the team have increased caloric and carbohydrate needs, so the cooks prepare larger portions. To ensure meals are always made from fresh ingredients, a special team of porters delivers additional fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat directly to the Kilimanjaro camp on the third or fourth day of the expedition. These costs are included in the tour price.

Ensuring safety when climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

Safety is the cornerstone of Altezza Travel's expeditions, and it requires extra funds. Mountain teams carry oxygen systems, comprehensive medical kits, and oximeters. Oxygen tanks are refilled after each use, and medications in the first-aid kits are regularly checked and replaced if they are nearing their expiration date. New oximeters and stretchers are purchased before each climbing season.

You can learn more about the importance of using oxygen systems and their role in preventing altitude sickness in our video below.

The Role of Bottled Oxygen on Kilimanjaro | Altezza Travel
The Role of Bottled Oxygen on Kilimanjaro | Altezza Travel
1.1K views, 1 month ago

We set aside a portion of our profits in a special fund, which is solely used to enhance safety for future climbs. In addition, our guides undergo regular training to ensure that their skills, including first aid and mountain rescue, are the best in the industry.

Purchasing new equipment

Expeditions require sleeping tents, large dining tents, camping tables and chairs, oxygen systems, oximeters, radios, first-aid kits, and other equipment. Almost all of these items are purchased abroad, and high import duties are paid to bring them into Tanzania. The combined cost of import taxes, VAT, and other fees amounts to about 60% of the total price.

Using old equipment for many years is risky: in rainy weather, tents may leak, and oxygen systems without proper maintenance could fail at critical moments.

Transport and fuel costs

The expedition cost includes all transportation expenses. Upon arrival, you will be met at the airport and taken to your hotel. The next day, a vehicle will drive you to the entrance of the national park, and after the climb, you'll be returned to your hotel and then to the airport on the day of departure.

All transfers are conducted in comfortable and well-maintained Toyota Alphard and Hiace vehicles with internet access. They are driven by professional drivers, and every trip is insured by The Heritage, a leading insurance company in Tanzania.

Fuel prices significantly impact the overall expedition costs. Contrary to the stereotype that everything is cheap in Africa, fuel in Tanzania is more expensive than in the United States. As of 2024, the price per liter of gasoline was 3,650 shillings, or $1.32. In the United States, gasoline averages $0.96 per liter.

Taxes and licensing fees

Altezza Travel conducts business transparently and pays all required taxes. In Tanzania, these taxes are comparable to those in Europe. We pay 18% VAT and a 30% income tax, which are reflected in the cost of the trip. In 2023 alone, we paid over $0.5 million in taxes.

Office operations

Organizing mountain climbs is not just the work of consultant managers and mountain guides. Altezza Travel has departments for accounting, logistics, hotel booking, and expedition safety. Different teams handle washing and maintenance of equipment, purchasing food and medicines for the climb, refilling oxygen tanks, and doing other tasks essential for organizing comfortable and safe expeditions.

We also have a large team of IT specialists who created tools like Make a Story and Personal Trip Board—convenient travel management systems available to you as soon as your tour is confirmed

We operate in compliance with Tanzania’s labor laws, paying all necessary contributions to social security funds and the tax authority. As of 2024, these amounted to about 45% on top of our employees’ salaries.

Why are some Kilimanjaro climbs significantly cheaper?

On the internet, you may find offers from budget companies with an expedition price of around $1600-1800. Having worked in Tanzania for over ten years, we can confidently say: organizing a safe expedition to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for that price is impossible. Just covering the park fees alone will cost the organizing company about $1000. The remaining $600-800 will not be enough to pay the team, buy quality food, and provide decent equipment.

Budget operators do not pay taxes

All budget climbing operators operate in a “gray” zone, not informing the tax authority about conducted expeditions. In Tanzania, as in any other country, this can lead to significant issues: the tax inspectorate may audit the company, and all expeditions will be halted. Often, these companies either lack an office or have a minimal presence, making it easy to close down and restart under a new name. Travelers who arrive in Tanzania might find their expedition to climb Mt Kilimanjaro canceled.

Staff exploitation

All budget companies, without exception, pay low wages to guides and porters. Tanzania has high unemployment, and while people generally agree to work for minimal pay, professionals are an exception. Experienced guides and responsible porters work only for fair wages and collaborate with companies that pay market-rate salaries. Budget operators mainly attract beginners or those who have not passed the recruitment process at larger companies—guides with poor leadership and first aid skills.

Compromised safety

Cheap local operators do not use oxygen systems and often lack even basic first-aid kits. They cut costs by avoiding refilling oxygen tanks, which require $30-40 per refill.

In Altezza Travel’s expeditions, more than 500 oxygen systems are used, with about a hundred kept in reserve for unexpected situations in the mountains. This is more than all other Kilimanjaro tour operators have combined.

Some services are not included

When booking a budget tour, you should carefully check the list of included services. The organizing company may cut costs on airport transfers or hotels, requiring you to pay additional fees upon arrival.

Poor summit success rates

Another way that budget Kilimanjaro operators are able to cut costs is by offering you shorter itineraries with lower summit success rates. Opting for the cheapest route itinerary, such as Marangu Route 5 days, and not having access to advanced safety measures, will drastically decrease your chances of summiting Kilimanjaro.

Expert Opinion

The stories of successful climbs with budget operators often involve exploitation. Behind the smiles of the support team lie wages that are 2-3 times lower than the Kilimanjaro average, with porters forced to bribe guides to participate in expeditions. I frequently talk with porters from other companies, and I have never met one who didn’t have to share their salary or tips with guides. Clients will never know about this: if a porter complains, refuses to smile, sing, or look happy, the guide and company owner will simply fire them.

The only way to combat this is to choose a KPAP member company for your climb. It is technically impossible to deceive or bribe KPAP inspectors. You can read more in our article on KPAP’s work.

Dmitrii Andreychuk
Dmitrii Andreychuk
Kilimanjaro Expeditions Coordinator|Tanzania

Climbing with a budget company is a significant health risk for participants and supports the unethical treatment of local mountain teams. While the expedition may go smoothly and participants might save $500-800 by cutting corners on team wages and safety, there’s also a chance that the climb you’ve planned and spent thousands of dollars on will forever tarnish your impression of Africa.

Considering the overall Kilimanjaro climb cost, saving $500-800 does not justify the risk of a ruined vacation. By choosing a reliable tour operator, you ensure your expedition will be comfortable and safe, with only positive experiences.

How to climb Kilimanjaro on a budget without compromising safety

When booking a Kilimanjaro tour, reasonable cost-saving measures can be taken, such as:

Choose cheaper hotels: Kilimanjaro has many hotels where a night costs just $50-60. You can even find guest houses for $20-30 per night. If you plan to spend several nights in Tanzania before and after the climb, this choice can help you save $150-250 on Kilimanjaro climb costs.

Climb during the rainy season: During this period, Altezza Travel offers a 10% discount, and plane tickets are 15-30% cheaper.

Which additional costs should you consider for Kilimanjaro?

Airfare: Operators do not include flights in the cost of the climb. Depending on the destination, tickets range from $800-2000. The most budget-friendly options are offered by KLM and Ethiopian Airlines.

You need to fly into Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO). This will allow you to start your climb the next day. The volcano is only 50 kilometers from the airport.

Tips: After the climb, it is customary to tip the support team if the service exceeds travelers’ expectations. This is about $250-300 per person.

Additional comfort in the mountains: Altezza Travel climb participants can choose extra options not included in the standard price. This includes the use of portable camping toilets, showers, satellite phones, and single occupancy in tents and hotels. For more information, contact our managers.

Tanzania visa: A visa to Tanzania costs $50. If you are a U.S. citizen, the fee is $100.

Group vs. private expeditions: what's the difference?

Most operators offer clients a choice between individual and group climbs on Kilimanjaro. Here are the main differences.


Group expeditions include travelers from all over the world. Each year, Altezza Travel organizes more than 500 such climbs, and based on our experience, these groups consist of friendly, sociable, and considerate people.

Participants in Altezza’s expeditions have included Yosemite National Park rangers, Australian firefighters, Space X engineers from California, lawyers from New York, and sailors from Caribbean racing yachts. Climbing Kilimanjaro is a unique journey, and you’ll be in the company of interesting people.

Feel free to check out our group climb schedule and start planning your trip with Altezza 

Only you and your companions will participate in a private Kilimanjaro trip. These expeditions are not listed among our group offerings on the website and are not available to others.


Group expeditions are cheaper than private ones. For group hikes, the price per person is fixed at $2763, while for private climbs, it depends on the number of participants. The fewer participants, the higher the price. For example, the cost of climbing the popular seven-day Lemosho route in a private group in the 2024-2025 season is:

Number of participants:
Price per person:
$3 935
$3 021
$2 763
$2 700
$2 642
$2 507
$2 421

Note: if a group of 4-5 people decides to join a group expedition, they will receive an additional discount.

Climb dates: 

Group expeditions are conducted strictly according to a pre-scheduled calendar. This cannot be changed: travelers plan their vacations and buy tickets specifically for these dates.

In private expeditions, the climb dates are planned according to your requirements. Moreover, the expedition can be rescheduled if plans change. More details can be found in our terms and conditions.

Classic and Premium Kilimanjaro climbs 

All group expeditions follow the classic tariff. Before and after the climb, participants stay in good 3-star hotels. On Kilimanjaro, they sleep in comfortable and reliable tents.

For private expeditions, you can choose the “Premium” tariff. In this case, participants stay in five-star hotels, and during the expedition, they rest in more comfortable tents. These tents are larger than standard ones—you can stand up in them—and they include camp beds.

The mountain menu also differs: in addition to the delicious and nutritious meals offered in the classic tariff, premium expedition climbers are offered imported berries, chocolate, cheese, nuts, and juices.

Despite these perks, many travelers prefer group expeditions. In these, you can meet like-minded individuals from around the globe and conquer the “Roof of Africa” together.

Due to the high costs of five-star hotels, the price of participating in premium expeditions is significantly higher. For example, on the seven-day Lemosho route in 2025, the cost for such climbs is as follows:

Number of participants
Price per person
$8 804
$6 112
$5 609
$5 335
$5 306
$5 170
$4 898
Published on 2 November 2023 Revised on 24 September 2024
About this article
Doris Lemnge
Expert Articles: 11
Written byDoris Lemnge
Travel Expert Tanzania
Climbing Climbing
Safari Safari
Tanzania Tanzania

Doris comes from a family deeply connected to Kilimanjaro. Her father pioneered the Kilimanjaro climbing industry, leading the first expeditions for international tourists in the early '90s. Joining Altezza over a decade ago, Doris quickly became a valued member of our Kilimanjaro team. Today, she oversees our operations in Tanzania, generously sharing her knowledge with both colleagues and clients. Through our blog, Doris provides valuable insights into Kilimanjaro and its surrounding communities.

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