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Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park is home to the largest elephant population in Northern Tanzania. An ideal location to visit during the dry season, as both predators and herbivores migrate here for the constant source of water.

The park is named for the Tarangire River that cuts through the park, a life-source for both plans and animals. Tarangire National Park is known for two African giants: elephants and the great baobab trees. Visitors can see colonies of these incredible trees that are more than 100 years old. Dry season brings many animals seeking the water from Tarangire River: first come the peaceful grazers such as zebras and wildebeest, followed by leopards and lions seeking prey. All the animals await the mighty elephants to dig up holes in the riverbeds and bring up groundwater to quench their thirst.

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park is famous for elephants. The gentle giants of the savannah can be seen cooling in the shade of ancient baobabs or wading in swampy areas, usually in family groups, with an elephant calf or two hiding in its mother’s thick legs.

The park is also home to large carnivores: lions and cheetahs may be spotted lazing in the shade, a leopard spied high in a tree, and hyenas slinking through the tall grass. Here you will also find giraffes, zebras, Thomson's gazelles, mongooses and even rare gerenuks for a full wildlife experience.

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Interesting Facts about Tarangire National Park

From July to October, the dry season, Tarangire National Park is teeming with animals as wildlife, including large elephant herds, do not stray far from the river bed. Elephants need between 100 and 300 litres of water a day to survive and the holes they dig in the sands of the river are the only source for hundreds of miles of kilometres around. These holes attract other animals, who drink the water after the elephants have had their fill. If all the herbivores are in Tarangire, the great lions and leopards will soon follow to get their dinner, as well. Tarangire National Park also provides great opportunities for birdwatching: being the nesting grounds for a large number of bird species. The largest flying bird in the world, the Kori Bustard is often spotted here. Hornbills, the yellow-collared Lovebird as also endemic to the area. There are options for night safaris and short walking safaris for travellers who wish to spend a few days in Tarangire National Park.

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