The new Plastic Bags Ban Act came into effect from 1 June 2019. The ban affects all types of plastic bags regardless of their thickness (including cling film or plastic wrap) and implies fines. The ban shall not apply to medicines, items in plastic package preserving their quality and zip-lock bags for personal hygiene kits or documents (on condition that they are not thrown away on the territory of Tanzania).
In order to avoid problems by crossing the Tanzanian border, we are asking you to check your baggage for plastic bags and not pack it in plastic wrapping. The same applies for hand baggage. It is advisable to pack your things in paper or fabric bags. Alternatively, you could use waterproof nylon bags to protect your baggage from moisture.
We, in turn, are always ready to help you should any problems occur. You can reach us through the phone numbers below:
+255 786 350 114 - Anna
+255 786 350 410 - Dmitry
+255 786 350 216 - Alex